Showing posts with label POPE FRANCIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POPE FRANCIS. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 5

Mary's 'yes' to God changed history, Pope Francis says

Mary's 'yes' to God changed history, Pope Francis says
Pope Francis marked the Feast of the Annunciation on Monday by reflecting on the power of Mary’s “yes” to God. “Mary’s ‘yes’ opens the door to Jesus’ ‘yes’: I have come to do...

Monday, April 4

Francis announces special collection for victims of Ukraine conflict

Francis announces special collection for victims of Ukraine conflict
On Sunday Pope Francis announced that a special collection will be taken up in all Catholic churches in Europe April 24, the funds of which will go toward relief...

Sunday, April 3

Mercy is an open book – and it's our task to write it, Pope says

Mercy is an open book – and it's our task to write it, Pope says
On Divine Mercy Sunday Pope Francis said the “Gospel of Mercy” begun by Jesus and the apostles is still unfinished, and is an open book that each person is called...

You can’t receive mercy without sharing it, Pope says

You can’t receive mercy without sharing it, Pope says
Receiving God’s mercy ignites in us the drive to become “instruments of mercy,” especially to the weakest and the marginalized, Pope Francis said Saturday at...

Friday, April 1

Pope Francis sends vestments, financial aid to Iraqi Christians

Pope Francis sends vestments, financial aid to Iraqi Christians
Pope Francis embraces a pilgrim during the General Audience at the Vatican's Paul VI Hall, Jan. 13, 2016. Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA. As...

Wednesday, March 30

'She's in heaven' – Pope Francis on Mother Angelica

'She's in heaven' – Pope Francis on Mother Angelica
Pope Francis offers a special blessing for the repose of Mother Angelica's soul during his general audience March 30, 2016. Credit: EWTN. Pope Francis on Wednesday...

Sunday, March 27

Let yourselves be moved by hope, Pope says at Easter vigil

Let yourselves be moved by hope, Pope says at Easter vigil
Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil at St Peters basilica. Credit: Alexey Gotovskiy/CNA.       During the Easter Vigil,...

Saturday, March 26

Mercy will save the world: papal preacher's Good Friday meditation

Mercy will save the world: papal preacher's Good Friday meditation
Pope Francis prostrates himself before the altar of St. Peter's Basilica at the opening of the Good Friday liturgy, March 25, 2016. Credit: Alexey Gotovskiy/CNA. Remembering...

Pope's Way of the Cross remembers migrants, persecuted Christians

 Pope's Way of the Cross remembers migrants, persecuted Christians
Pope Francis prays the Way of the Cross at the Colosseum in Rome, March 25, 2016. Credit: Alexey Gotovskiy/CNA.       Following the yearly Good...

Friday, March 25

‘We are brothers’: Pope washes feet of Muslim, Hindu, Orthodox refugees in Holy Thursday Mass

‘We are brothers’: Pope washes feet of Muslim, Hindu, Orthodox refugees in Holy Thursday Mass
Osservatore Romano / Associated PressPope Francis kissing the feet of a young offender after washing them during a mass in 2013. CASTELNUOVO DI PORTO, Italy...

Thursday, March 24

Pope Francis observes moment of silence for Belgium attack victims

Pope Francis observes moment of silence for Belgium attack victims
Pope Francis prays at the Wednesday general audience in St. Peter's Square on Oct. 2, 2013. Credit: Elise Harris/EWTN. In his general audience the...

Wednesday, March 23

Pope Francis to wash the feet of migrants on Holy Thursday

Pope Francis to wash the feet of migrants on Holy Thursday
Pope Francis performing the rite of the washing of feet at a Holy Thursday Mass said at Rebibbia prison, Rome, April 2, 2015. Credit: L'Osservatore Romano. After...

Tuesday, March 22

Pope prays for victims of Russian plane crash, Istanbul bombing

Pope prays for victims of Russian plane crash, Istanbul bombing
Pope Francis prays at General Audience Sept. 25, 2013. Credit: Elise Harris/CNA. Pope Francis offered prayers over the weekend for victims...

Monday, March 21

Pope Francis to world leaders: open your doors to migrants

Pope Francis to world leaders: open your doors to migrants
On Wednesday Pope Francis renewed his appeal on behalf of the tens of thousands struggling to enter other countries as they flee war and violence, asking...

Sunday, March 20

Humility is the epitome of redemption, Pope says on Palm Sunday

Humility is the epitome of redemption, Pope says on Palm Sunday
Pope Francis leads procession of palms in St. Peter's Square on Palm Sunday March 20, 2016. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/EWTN. On Palm Sunday Pope Francis said the...

Pope's Instagram launches with appeal for prayer

Pope's Instagram launches with appeal for prayer
Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square during the Wednesday General Audience, May 21, 2014: Credit Daniel Ibáñez/EWTN The official Instagram account...

Saturday, March 12

Love is the hidden service we do for others, Pope Francis says

Love is the hidden service we do for others, Pope Francis says
On Saturday Pope Francis said that love is more than just saying nice words and doing things – it means forgetting oneself and serving others, just as Jesus did when he washed the...

Tuesday, March 8

How do you defend life? Show its beauty, Pope Francis says

How do you defend life? Show its beauty, Pope Francis says
Cultural trends and hardened hearts can obscure the value of human life. But true virtues, compassion and beauty are the way for Christians to overcome this, Pope Francis in a...

Monday, March 7

God did not create us to remain crushed by sin, Pope says

God did not create us to remain crushed by sin, Pope says
Leading his annual penitential service on Friday, Pope Francis told attendees to stand tall and be open to forgiveness, and not to let themselves remain under the heavy burden of...

Thursday, March 3

Pope Francis: It's never too late for conversion

Pope Francis: It's never too late for conversion
God's patience towards sinners is without limit, yet the time for conversion is now, Pope Francis said during his Sunday Angelus address at the Vatican. “It is never too late to convert,...
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