Showing posts with label TECHNOLOGY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TECHNOLOGY. Show all posts

Friday, May 20

Opera Launches Free Unlimited VPN For iOS

Opera Launches Free Unlimited VPN For iOS
Over the last few weeks, Opera has upped its game and delivered several new features to its existing products. The developer version of its desktop browser now includes a free VPN...

Sunday, May 8

5 Snapchat tricks every Nigerian should know

5 Snapchat tricks every Nigerian should know
Nigerians have proven that Snapchat is indeed addictive! The moment you find anyone with their nose in their phone these days, he or she is most probably checking their feeds and...

How To Get Free 15gb Data On Your Mtn Sim

How To Get Free 15gb Data On Your Mtn Sim
Here is another Big Banga for Mtn users. As I promise to always give you and update you with the best and latest free browsing cheats in town, So here i bring your another cheat...

Friday, May 6

10- Year- Old Jani Hacked Instagram , Cash In $ 10, 000 Reward From Facebook

10- Year- Old Jani Hacked Instagram , Cash In $ 10, 000 Reward From Facebook
A 10 - year old named Jani was able to hack the world wide social media platform “ Instagram ” , and thus earning him $ 10 ,000 from Facebook according to news site, Iltalehti. Jani...

Tuesday, May 3

MTN Surprise Plan: How To Subscribe To MTN 5GB + N2560 Airtime For Just N2000

MTN Surprise Plan: How To Subscribe To MTN 5GB + N2560 Airtime For Just N2000
Mtn has surprised us with another tripping offer which i think is cool to go for if not for anything but for the Airtime that is accompanied with the data. Before now, we use...

Wednesday, April 27

5 keywords Nigerians should avoid in emails

Like the rest of the world, Nigerians have replaced hard-copy memos and letters with e-mails. The average person would rather send an email -whether personal or for official purposes-...

Tuesday, April 26

Introducing who wants to be a millionaire? Nigeria mobile app

Introducing who wants to be a millionaire? Nigeria mobile app
Ultima Limited in partnership with Sony Pictures Television and MTN Nigeria present the official mobile app for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Nigeria. The App, which is scheduled...

5 Simple Signs That You Need a New Phone

5 Simple Signs That You Need a New Phone
There are several brands of phones available in the tech space today that you will be spoilt for choices. The lifespan of these devices varies. It is therefore, follows...

Saturday, April 23

Top 5 Benefits Of Social Media for Businesses In Nigeria

Top 5 Benefits Of Social Media for Businesses In Nigeria
We can never ignore the importance of social media in our day-to-day lives. The impact is so much that for some individuals, social media has converted into a compulsion and for...

Thursday, April 21

How to add Geotags to your Instagram pictures

We all love Instagram, especially since the messages – pictures and videos - are uniquely instant. There are however moments where we are unable to remember the location of some...

How to get Complaints Resolved via Social Media

How to get Complaints Resolved via Social Media
Social media can be used to do a lot of things today including to complain and get the complaint resolved. Twitter is one of the best interactive networks to use to get a quick response...

Four Places Where you Should not Keep your Phone

Four Places Where you Should not Keep your Phone
Your phone is a valuable asset and losing it or getting it damaged can cost you a lot of money and emotional stress. If you do not want to experience any of this,, Africa's...

Tuesday, April 5

5 Ways to Deal with Online Trolls

5 Ways to Deal with Online Trolls
The internet has its limitations despite all its advantages, one of which are the presence of online trolls whose responsibility is to target others by posting abusive, threatening,...

Monday, April 4

Cheapest Data Plans For Android, iOS, PC and Blackberry Users 2016

Cheapest Data Plans For Android, iOS, PC and Blackberry Users 2016
A lot of things have changed in the last 30 days, some are deadly blows; while to others they are hopeful blows. Some plans have been stopped; some capped, while new ones are been...

Sunday, April 3

How to Get Airtel 4GB Data For N1500 With Free N2,600 - Works on All Devices

How to Get Airtel 4GB Data For N1500 With Free N2,600 - Works on All Devices
There is nothing strange about what you are about to read, the only strange thing is the requirement involved. Airtel network is fast in almost all location and it sucks in some...

Friday, April 1

How To Add Bold, Italic And Crossed Words To Messages On Whatsapp

How To Add Bold, Italic And Crossed Words To Messages On Whatsapp
  Cross-platform mobile messaging app, Whatsapp, has announced the latest upgrade to its application. The upgrade, though small compared to more recent additions, allows...

Thursday, March 31

Afraid of heights? These are top 5 ways to handle turbulence on flights

Afraid of heights? These are top 5 ways to handle turbulence on flights
Do you recall how you felt the last time your plane was hit by turbulence?  It is difficult not to get distressed and frightened by the sudden, erratic shaking of the aircraft. While...

Wednesday, March 30

5 tricks to Make Your Car Seem like New Again

5 tricks to Make Your Car Seem like New Again
Every motorist is somewhat emotionally attached to his vehicle as he spends a lot of time commuting to work or just hauling groceries in it. But as the vehicle gets older, it exterior...

Tuesday, March 29

Instagram Stalking just got Easier with this New Feature

Instagram Stalking just got Easier with this New Feature
Weeks after announcing that it was making big changes to our timelines, Instagram has begun testing a new search bar that will enable users to view both the followers...

Thursday, March 24

Top Internet Tricks every Workaholic should know (MUST READ)

Top Internet Tricks every Workaholic should  know (MUST READ)
The internet has completely changed the way things are done. From school, shops and even offices, basically every task that needs to be completed  in any set-up is...
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