Men may not be the most knowledgeable when it comes to female fashion but we sure know a thing or two about the kind of hairstyles we find attractive in women.
Attractive hairstyles...
Showing posts with label women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women. Show all posts
Friday, October 9
Tuesday, September 29
15 Best Things About Being Close To Your Mom

1. You look forward to going home
You don’t even need a holiday or
some other occasion. Sometimes you just go home for the weekend just
to spend time with her.
2. You have the most...
Scientifically proven: "Why woman love Funny Guys"

Look at any list of the qualities that women look for in a potential romantic partner, and "sense of humor" lands somewhere at the top. A study conducted at Stanford University School...
Thursday, August 27
5 Quick Makeup tips for the Working Woman
a full time job and having to wake up extra early to face the day’s
traffic can be burdensome. However, this article is written to ease...
Saturday, August 8
Women are not that Complicated
are not that complicated. How can any guy not understand us, we are
just like open books, if you take your time to study us, you will see we
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