Saturday, August 29

Travel Destinations in Africa

Adventure Travel Destinations in Africa
These are my top five countries to visit… in Africa.

South Africa

South Africa (aerial)
South Africa boasts of being the host of the 2010 World Cup and being the home of the late Nelson Mandela. This land of mountains and seas is also home to a lot of ‘jungle animals’ and the Vuvuzela. Also, who wouldn’t want to visit the country where they use clicks as part of the language?! I want to learn!


Accra, Ghana
Land of gold and shea butter.
Land of beautiful dark skinned men.
Who wouldn’t want to visit thee, O Ghana? Perhaps some Nigerians, but I don’t believe that there is any ‘beef’ whatsoever between Nigerians and Ghanaians so that notion is void.
Fun fact: There is a man-made beach in Ghana. How do I know, you ask? A friend told me.


Madagascar is not only the title of an animated movie, but also a country in the southern region of Africa.


The Pyramids, The Sphinx, camel rides and baking hot sun. Not to talk of getting that ultimate tan… Or sunburnt skin.

Abuja, Nigeria

Some Nigerians wouldn’t put this on their list but it has always been a dream of mine to visit as many parts of Nigeria as possible.
Aso Rock is one of the many places that caught my eye (thanks to my parents’ photo albums from before I was born) and best thing about it is, because I’m home, I won’t need to spend on lodging. Yay!

Comment below what parts of Africa you’ve been to (good and not quite as good) and places that you would like to visit.
Yours Truly.

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