Women rate the idea of marriage very highly. Ask any girl around and she will say that when she has found the right guy, she will want to get married to him as soon as possible. It is in the nature of most women to behave a certain way, and believe it or not, every woman has the natural tendency to settle with the right guy. That’s not all. There is more to it and here are a few reasons why she is obsessed with the idea of getting married:
5. Her parents want her to settle.
Getting married is one of the aims that every woman sets in her life. That is because all her life, her parents have fed this idea into her head. They want her to be with the right man for the rest of her life. Marriage is a bond and a promise to always be there for one another – ‘in sickness and in health’ and ‘for better or for worse’. They don’t want their daughter to be in temporary flukes that will eventually result in breakups and in breaking apart.
4.Everyone forces her to get married.
A woman knows that getting married is an important part of her life. This is because of the society pressure. It is something less common in the developed world, but the all the eastern countries cannot just emphasize enough on this. There, a woman can not just state that she doesn’t want to get married. A woman has to get married. She has to settle. She has no other option, and this is why, certain women are obsessed with this idea of getting married.
3.She has always wanted to be a bride
Now, let me talk about the soft side of a woman. I know am not a girl, but I know how things go. All their lives, when they see a woman rocking her wedding dress, they imagine being there in her place. They tend to melt on the idea of getting married. That’s just how women are! We are cheesy and obsessive, and I believe that this is what makes them beautiful and soft.
2.For the security.
Whether you like it or not, a marriage promises security. Be it emotional, mental, financial or physical security, women realize that getting married brings everything like this in her life. She realizes that she will need all these things at one point in her life. She doesn’t want to be alone and completely independent. The best way to strive in this world is not by being independent, but by being co-dependent, and that is what she wants to offer and gain from a marriage.
1. She wants to be a mother
Women are gifted a maternal instinct by God. Most women tend to be great with kids. They naturally want kids of their own and wanting a kid out of wedlock is always a risky job. There is no promise of that man staying with you. With marriage, there comes a little promise and emotional connection that he will stay there for you and for your child. For that, a woman always dreams about getting married and having the perfect husband around to raise her children with her.
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