The Committee, which meets twice a year, to consider matters related to the conduct of the May/June and November/December West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), is the highest decision-making organ of WAEC on examination-related matters in Nigeria.
During the 61st Meeting, the Committee received reports on Special, Irregularity and Clemency Cases on the November/December 2015 WASSCE..
In the course of considering the various reported cases of malpractice, the Committee endorsed appropriate sanctions in all established cases of malpractice as prescribed by the Rules and Regulations governing the conduct of the Council’s examinations after diligent deliberations. It approved that the entire results of candidates involved in proven cases, which attract cancellation of entire results (CER) be cancelled, while subject results of those involved in proven cases which attract cancellation of subject results (CSR), be similarly cancelled.
In addition, some candidates would also suffer other sanctions such as barring them from sitting for the Council’s examinations for a certain number of years. Moreover, while some schools will be derecognised as examination centres for some years, other schools’ recognition as examination centres will be withdrawn making them unable to present candidates for WAEC examination. Also, indicted supervisors have been blacklisted while erring teachers and principals have been reported to their State Ministries of Education and ANCOPPS for disciplinary action. The decisions of the Committee will be implemented without delay and the affected candidates will be duly informed by the Council.
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