A lot of girls are said to be expressive. It is true to some extent because women tend to share whatever is in their heart. They don’t like to hide stuff. However, there comes a point in the relationship when the two of you become different from you were in the start. From being that talkative girl who told you all, she is now someone who doesn’t talk about what she wants at all times. There are a few things she wants from you and I believe that Valentine’s Day is a good way to start for those things:

•Make her your best friend•
If you ever ask a woman what she really wants from a relationship, then the first thing she will say is that she wants to be his best friend. Our best friend is someone who sees our truest side and knows our most difficult side as well. She wants to be that person for you because she wants to be your favorite secret keeper. She wants to be the first person you call when you want to celebrate your achievement. She wants to be the first person you call to cry when you want to cry over something. She wants to be that special person to you.
•Listen to her•
A lot of time, women complain that her guy doesn’t listen to her. It is true that after some time, you start feeling like all she does is talk about useless things. You feel like she annoys you with her constant irrational talk that is doing no one any good. However, have you ever noticed that when she talks her heart out to you, even if it is some stupid story that she is telling you, she is glowing. She has this shine in her eyes because she is excited over it. You should at least have the audacity to listen to her. She wants you to pay attention to her. If you are annoyed, just let her know that now is not the good time to talk and she will stop.
•Talk to her•
If you think that all she wants from you is to listen to her, you couldn’t be anymore wrong. Just as much as she wants to be heard, she also wants to hear from you. People often joke about how a man’s day can go ‘fine’ when he goes to work out while for a woman, she has a million things to share even if she was at home the whole day. Women want exclusivity. They want to hear from the guy and they like being the only person they talk to. So take out time and talk to her. Share how your day went and she will feel great.
•Share your feelings with her•
She wants to hear from you in a sense that she wants to know your feelings. You might have been wronged by a few women in your life. You have trust issues now and you have trouble talking your heart out because you feel that she might manipulate you. You have to convince yourself that this is the woman you love and that she deserves to hear all about you. So gather up courage and start with baby steps. Talk your heart out with her.

•Love carelessly•
Men are always careful. It is funny how they can love with caution as well. She wants the opposite. She wants you to love her carelessly. She wants you to share your heart out with her without having any fears or doubts. If you really have trust issues with her, let her know. You should never be with a person that you have trouble trusting.
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